I am blessed .. blessed with the ability to stay home on a warm day .. in FEBRUARY ! I didn't sleep well last night due to a possum teasing the dogs -- they were going to have that varmint by barking all night ! They did let me sleep in to counteract my not sleeping during the night. So, after feeding horses, dogs, cat and chickens, the flock got out to play, the horses got some treats and a grooming .. and whoa -- it's NOON and I haven't had my first cup of coffee ! So I took a break and had some leftover vegetable lasagna I had made this past weekend, and went back to work.
Even the horses were enjoying today's great weather by sharing a nap ! While they napped, the flock enjoyed helping me garden. I would put some dirt in a bed and they would remove it to make sure there were no bugs. I'm going to plant some of my spring seeds now and use leftover gallon milk jugs as greenhouse environments to help start them during the 'cold' weather. Not that we are having much in that department right now anyway. There is still a chance however !
I've been working steadily on my log cabin blocks and am getting closer to finishing the blocks. Since there are 64 blocks, it seems to have a life of it's own now. Takes much longer to get logs on it seems. Then of course I have to square each block. Here's what the block looks like now.
There is only one more log that needs to go on the bottom of the block and I'm getting close ! It seems to take forEVER to square all the blocks now. The block will measure 9" finished and I've been playing with how I want my quilt to look with borders. I love working with my quilts in EQ quilt design software -- I can see them, I can change them and I don't have to sew a thing until I'm satisfied.
I have been playing in the software today trying to come up with a design I like .. and I think I've come to a final version. This is how I am seeing my finished quilt -- I think I might put a different block in the corners, like Birds in the Air .. but I really like this version. My first border is a frame border, then I used half square triangles (HSTs) to represent trees, and my final border represents mountains using the Delectable Mountains block.

Of course, I have plenty of time to get to the borders, but this is exciting to see this in a picture .. and of course, I am working on 2 other quilts at the same time. One is the back to my sister's log cabin -- my goal tonight is to add the greens and purples and be sure to make it square so that it quilts nicely. The other is for my great-niece, the blocks are looking soooo cute. My sister suggested that since her name is Starr that I try to put some stars on the blocks. I found my smallest cookie cutter and I'm going to make some of the flower centers star shapes ...
Back to the sewing table ...
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