Snow days are great -- they lend themselves to being lazy. Just so happens everything in Arkansas also shuts down when it snows LOL But they also help me get different things accomplished. Years ago I used to make bread all the time. I've fallen out of practice, and a friend of mine has jumpstarted my wanting to do it again. She is also a is the 5 minutes a day to fresh bread bible. Over the past wonderful inspiration (especially when I'm at her house and some bread has just come out of the oven!) For my birthday, she gave me a copy of The Art of Artisan Bread which has some wonderful recipes and is the bible for fresh bread in 5 minutes a day. And we've been sharing sourdough starter and recipes as well. Well yesterday's snow day got me thinking about bread fresh out of the oven. I had whipped up a batch of dough last week but hadn't had the opportunity to get it done -- so yesterday, I had the smells of bread wafting thru the house. Now mind you I don't need to make 4 1# loaves -- I made 8 sourdough rolls instead LOL

Of course, I had to eat one right out of the oven, and it was heavenly. Today I think I'll make another batch of dough for a buttermilk white as I am expecting company this weekend!
A snow day also brings out the cardinals at my house. Their bodies against the white of the snow in the trees just brings a promise that spring really will be here soon. Of course, it's been feeling like spring all winter yet, and this was our very first snow of 2012.
There are several pairs of cardinals on all sides of the yard !
Melody and Shadow also enjoy a good snow -- me more so as it really does a great job on their muddy coats!
So now it's Valentine's Day .. a day that's been created by the makers of Hallmark to remember the ones you love with flowers, cards, and any other thing that can be thought of. But really, we should look at all the days we have the opportunity to remind someone we care -- so don't do it just today. Do it tomorrow, and the next day .. the ways we show we care aren't just about the flowers, but the moments we create in making dinner, or sharing a dessert. But there are many ways to show you care -- start by creating a new one everyday ! Happy Valentine's Day !
CJ, you are my inspiration .. and whatever happened to my sentence, I have no idea! LOL
ReplyDeleteChalk it up to my new laptop !!