Thursday, August 25, 2011

Grandchildren are blessings

I have a lot of friends and family with grandchildren. Even my sister with her three children has 17 total.  My partner and I have four children between us, 2 sons and 2 daughters. His son Chris and wife Kim just had the first grandchild, a boy. Parker Christopher Burt was born on Saturday, August 20th. So this is 'our' first. We will be taking a trip to meet our new grandchild in September, with a sidetrip for a wedding for my niece in Mrytle Beach, SC and another to see my daughter on Cape Cod. This will be the first 'family' visit in quite a while.
My quilting is a passion, and of course, memories are made to remember with a quilt. I planned a quilt for Parker when we first learned of his coming.  It is in a sailboat theme to match his room. Grampa Doug wanted me to make a sports quilt, which will be sent to the quilter next week, and of course, a few burp cloths. I am embroidering Parker's name and/or other sayings on diapers with decorative stitching. I am new to embroidery, but it is something that has intrigued me for a very long time.

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